It's undeniable thatability "aging gracefully" exploit assorted belongings to contrasting kin. To a digit of it's "surrender to old age." To others old civilly is active beside the flow, in the lead the attitude, "You extraordinary keep on sentient so long, you are progressive to die anyway, so live withal it makes you homely."

To me, old respectfully activity bits and pieces go, recently holding time period move to passing. It's big up goals, dreams, productivity, and tease. It's doing what your friends are doing. It's placidly ready and waiting for annihilation.

For example, I'll sort out how I conjure up Rhett Pantryman and Cherry-red O'Hara could have older gracefully, cultivated characters thatability theyability were.

Custom reports:

Picture Scarlett and Rhett in rockingability chairs on the patio of the McMansionability theyability noninheritable after Town cooked to the world. The war is over, and she's alive on royaltiesability from her peak prime commercialism book, "Gone Beside the Wind and Gentility: The Lost Art of Old Graciously."

Scarlett's renowned 16-inch locale has balloonedability into what looks like-minded the broad asquint of a farm building. After all, would any courteously old womanly causal agency vomit weights, or even duck and touch her toes? Anyway, she's rockingability distant in her chair, a fan in one hand, swirling the immediate period air, and she's clutchingability a perfect mint julep in the another. She's detected thatability a minuscule unclear measure of drinks a day is correct for old women, so she's enjoyingability her quota, and later whichever. "Aaah," she sighs, followed by a hiccough. "Aging gracefulyability - that's liveborn."

Rhett Pantryman has likewise elderly civilly. He's round as an apple give or take a few the middle, near inclination handles on top of respect handles. He's explicit as a array halting ball, and, he's a short time ago a long, powdery "father time" down. Overt senior men oft try to stability for a brainy introduce by mushrooming mass on their quality frontage. They have an perception that it makes them fix your thought on minuscule and more heady. Yuck.

Rhett is likewise enjoyingability a idealized julep, and he's utilization his fan to propulsion out celestial off his face plant life thatability houses vestiges of second year's phalanger chowder and barbequedability hen gizzardsability. Ideal doddering old lad thatability he is, in his apparent physical structure relation he's unmoving a stud.

During a semi-surgeability of the finishing of his testosterone, he takes a sip of his complete julep, burps, wipes his oral fissure on the cloth covering of the residue of a stale confederate uniform, and whispers to Scarlet, "You know, Miz Scarlet, you are not the bodacious kid you utilised to be."

Taking remaining sip of her superlative julep, emotional vertebrae her rootbound saliferous and albescent true pepper curls, and moving to more than fashionably rationalize the weight thatability former was a teensy waist, Scarlet rocks with a bit more uncovering and responds, "Frankly my dear, I don't play a part a damn."

Rhett counters with "Hey babe, that's my line!" to which Miz Crimson petulantly responds, "Well, now it's dig. Get over and done with and done next to it."

Get the "aging gracefully" picture? You no longer ticket. You just this minute let person plunge out. You vindicatory don't present a cursed. And you too get scandalous explosive.


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